We well known as KALPATHARU INC, located at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, now into a new shape as, TMPooja.com is one of the leading online mega pooja store, were we used to sell first quality pooja products well packed all over india as of now, as a plan of expansion we are also concentrating on worldwide pooja product sale, the manufacturer for our online mega store is Thirumurugan Pooja Products, we have our offices located at Coimbatore, Tirupur and Avinashi,we are strong in undertaking bulk orders for temple Kumbaabhishekam and for other special pooja items in all seasons.We Deliver through all modes of Transports at right time. We have all time specially packed pooja kit items like Nitya Pooja Kit,Vasthu bhoomi pooja kit, Nitya Pooja Kit Premium etc,You can call our support center anytime to avail all information about offers and other details
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