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Net wt :50g
Botanical Name :Phyllanthus Emblica.
Direction for Use:
Take a teaspoon of powder and eat it in honey before morning breakfast
Benefits :
1.Relieves Asthma And Bronchitis
2.Burns Fat
3.Relieves Constipation And Piles
4.Treats Gastric Disorders
5.Is A Blood Purifier
6.Can Improve Eyesight
7.Beneficial For The Heart
8.Controls Diabetes
9.Cooling Agent
10.Soothes Inflammation
11.Enhances Oral Health
12.Treatment Of Insomnia
13.Prevents Cancer
14.Improves Bone Health
15.Soothes Menstrual Cramps
16.Treats Infections
17.Is A Powerful Antioxidant
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