Indian mush mallon powder (Thuthi Powder)

Indian mush mallon powder (Thuthi Powder)


HSN CODE: 3003 | GST: 12%


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Net wgt -50g

Benefits :

  • A Fantastic Di-uretic as it contains gallic acid it acts as anti inflammatory analgesic.
  • Very effective medicine for Piles (Bleeding Piles ), Fistula.
  • Extremely good Blood purifier and can cure bleeding piles
  • Good for children who get swelling due to a fall.
  • good cure for Lymph nodes – put the warm leaf mixture on the area. You will get good results.
  • The mixture of root (Decoction) can be an effective cure for paralysis, renal failure and very good tonic for strengthening of nerves.

Botanical name : Abutilon Indicum

Direction for Use:

Take a teaspoon of powder and eat it in hot water before morning breakfast daily



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Additional Information

Weight 0.050 kg

Below 1kg

Herbal Types


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