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Net wt :100g
Botanical Name :Tribulus terrestris
Benefits :
- Versatile coating technique to hide surface imperfections
- Looks attractive and have durable finish
- VOC free, make use of no SOLVENTS.
- Available in unlimited color & texture choices alongwith the option to customize the color match as per the client project requirements.
- Ease of application with excellent finish. Maintains uniform finish across the entire piece
- Perfect finish that have excellent resistance to chemicals, abrasion, extreme weather and do not fade from sunlight affect.
- Minimal waste production
- Mirrored compact
- Includes washable sponge
- Only available in light shade (US site)
- Available in three shadesGive customer’s project a color- durable quality finish
Dosage : Take one teaspoon of powder with hot water after food at morning
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