3 Mugam Rudhraksham
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A Rudraksha rosary, used for repetitive prayer a common aid to worship in Hinduism and other faiths.

3 Mukhi Rudhrakshamala


Benefits :

3 mukhi rudraksha controls blood pressure.
> Diabetes which is now a threat to the nation, is also benefited.
> Very effective against stomach ailments, fever.
> Eye defect, cancer, cholera, ulcer, swellings are aided by use of this rudraksha.
> Weakness, disorders of the sex glands/adrenal glands are cured.
> Cold, blood infection problems get minimized.
> Cures (i)repeat occurrence of fever in children (ii) very weak children.
> Skin diseases are aided on use.
> Throat and Celia plexus part of the body are controlled by this bead.
> Beneficial for ladies menstrual problem.

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